Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Jewish "Right" to the Land: A Response to Yossi Klein Halevi

Check out the blog that I just posted on the Times of Israel. The well known journalist Yosi Klein Halevi had written an article there titled "A plea to Gantz, Ashkenazi: Israel and its friends need you to block annexation." While I was pleased to see a plea against Israeli annexation plans, there was one line in the article that struck me. Halevi says, “As a centrist, I believe that all of the land between the river and the sea belongs by right to the Jewish people; reality, though, leaves us no choice but to partition the land." It's the first part of that statement that I drill down on in my blog post titled "The Jewish 'Right' to the Land: A Response to Yossi Klein Halevi." Check it out at

Monday, June 1, 2020

Israel or Liberal Zionism: It‘s Not a Binary Choice.

This piece makes the argument that a State of Israel existing in peace and security is in the interests not only of Israel, but of Diaspora Jewry as well. However, the policies of an increasingly authoritarian, ultra-nationalist Israel are not in the interests of Diaspora Jewry. But the choice is not binary—to support or not to support Israel. We can support the existence and security of the State of Israel while rejecting its policies. Indeed, we must do both.

Ethno-Nationalism and Diaspora Jews

This post has appeared as a  Times of Israel  blog post. Follow the link here .